Generic Zoloft Pharmacological Effects
Antidepressants, a specific inhibitor capture serotonin in neurons. Has very little effect on the reverse capture norepinephrine and dopamine.
In therapeutic doses it blocks the seizure of serotonin in human platelets. Generic Zoloft does not have a stimulating, sedative or antiholinergicheskogo act.
Through selective oppression capture, Generic Zoloft no increases adrenergic activity. Generic Zoloft has no affinity to muskarinovym holinoretseptoram, serotoninovym, dopaminovym, gistaminovym, and adrenergic receptors.
Generic Zoloft does not cause drug addiction, does not cause an increase in body weight during long-term admission.
Generic Zoloft Indications
- Depression of varying etiology;
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder;
- Panic disorder;
- Post-traumatic stress disorder;
- Social phobia.
Generic Zoloft Metering mode
Generic Zoloft appoint 1 time / day morning or evening. Tablets of Generic Zoloft can be taken irrespective of food intake.
When depression and begin treatment with the dose of 50 mg / day - 150 mg/day.
Treatment of panic disorder, The use of Generic Zoloft under the scheme will reduce the frequency of unwanted effects of early treatment, which are typical for panic disorder.
With little effect Generic Zoloft application in patients in a dose of 50 mg / day daily dose can be increased.
Dose should be strengthened at intervals of not more than 1 time per week to a maximum recommended dose is 200 mg / day.
The initial effect may occur within 7 days after the start of treatment, but the full effect is usually achieved within 2-4 weeks.
In a long-term maintenance therapy medication designate the minimum effective dose, which subsequently changed depending on the clinical effect.
In children and adolescents aged 13-17 years, Generic Zoloftom treatment should begin with a dose of 50 mg / day.
In children aged 6-12 years old begin therapy with doses of 25 mg / day, after 1 week it increased to 50 mg / day.
Later, with little effect of the dose can be increased step by 50 mg / day to 200 mg / day as needed.
However, to avoid overdosing, with increasing doses over 50 mg should be taken Generic Zoloft into account the smaller body weight in children than adults.
You may change the dose should be at intervals of not less than 1 week.
In old age, drug use in the same doses as in younger patients.
In patients with liver disorders should use lower doses or increase the interval between taking the medication.
In patients with disorders of kidney function with the correct dose of light manifestation of renal failure is not required.
Generic Zoloft Side Effects
On the part of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: headache, dizziness, tremor, insomnia (rare - drowsiness), anxiety, agitation, gipomaniya, delusion, disturbance of gait, visual impairment,
ekstrapiramidnye disorders (diskinezii, akatiziya), paresthesia, convulsions.
Motor violations occurred more frequently in patients with indications for their existence in history or in the concomitant use of antipsychotic funds.
Upon the termination of treatment Generic Zoloftom describe rare cases of development of the syndrome cancel.
May appear paresthesia, gipostezii, symptoms of depression, hallucinations, aggressive reaction, psychomotor agitation, anxiety or psychotic symptoms that are indistinguishable from the core symptoms of the disease.
On the part of the body as a whole: increased sweating, decrease or increase in body mass, weakness.
On the part of the digestive system: decreased appetite (rare - increasing), until anorexia, dry mouth, dispepsicheskie disorders (flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), abdominal pain.
On the sexual system: a violation of sexual function (ejaculation delay, reduction of libido, decrease in potency, anorgazmiya).
On the part of the cardiovascular system: reddening of the skin or the tides of blood to the face, bleeding (including nose), palpitation.
Allergic reactions: urticaria, pruritus.
Dermatological reaction: skin rash, rarely - Stevens-Johnson syndrome and epidermal nekroliz.
On the part of the endocrine system: a violation of the menstrual cycle, galaktoreya, giperprolaktinemiya.
From the laboratory performance: transient hyponatremia (typically develops in elderly patients, as well as when receiving diuretics or certain other medications. This side effect associated with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of hormones antidiureticheskogo), rarely (if long-term use) - the symptomatic improvement of activity of transaminases in serum (lifting of the drug resulted in normalization of enzyme activity).
Generic Zoloft Contraindications
- Pregnancy;
- The period of lactation;
- Children up to age 6 years;
- Hypersensitivity to Generic Zoloft.
Be wary - with organic brain diseases or renal insufficiency, expressed by reduction of body weight.
Generic Zoloft Pregnancy and lactation
Controlled by the application of Generic Zoloft in pregnant women is not, therefore, to appoint Generic Zoloft during pregnancy only if the expected benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
Women of reproductive age during treatment Generic Zoloft should use effective methods of contraception.
Generic Zoloft found in breast milk, hence the use of Generic Zoloft in the period of lactation is not recommended.
No reliable data on the safety of its use in this case, no. If the designation of the drug needed, then breastfeeding should be discontinued.
Generic Zoloft Cautions
Generic Zoloft can be used no earlier than 14 days after the lifting. Inhibitors also can be used no earlier than 14 days after lifting Generic Zoloft.
You must be careful while appointing Generic Zoloft with other drugs. Such a joint appointment with the possibility should be excluded, given the likelihood of pharmacodynamic interactions.
With caution should be used Generic Zoloft to the drug, depressing the central nervous system. Use of alcoholic beverages and preparations containing ethanol during treatment Generic Zoloftom prohibited.
The experience of clinical research whose purpose was to determine the optimal time required to transfer patients from receiving other antidepressive and antiobsessivnyh funds for Generic Zoloft is limited.
You must be careful with such a transition, especially with long-acting drugs, such as fluoxetin. The required interval between the cancellation of a selective inhibitor of serotonin and a capture
start receiving a similar drug is not installed.
It should be noted that in patients exposed to Electro-therapy, an adequate and therefore sexperience of Generic Zoloft absent. . ThThe possible success or risk of such combination therapy is not understood.
No experience with the application Generic Zoloft in patients with convulsive syndromehould avoid its use in patients with unstable epilepsy and patients with controlled epilepsy should be carefully observed during treatment.
When a drug seizures should be abolished.
Patients suffering from depression are risk group in relation to suicide attempts. This risk persists until the development of remissionerefore, from the beginning of treatment and to achieve an optimal clinical effect in patients should be constant medical observation.
During clinical studies gipomaniya and mania occurred in about 0.4% of patients receiving Generic Zoloft. Cases activate mania / gipomanii described as a small portion of patients with manic-depressive recipients or other antidepressive antiobsessivnye funds.
Apply Generic Zoloft in patients with liver disease should be with caution, it is necessary to carry out correction of dosing regime.
Use in pediatrics
Safety and effectiveness Generic Zoloft installed with the ROC in children (aged 6 to 17 years).
Impact on ability to driving of vehicles and management mechanisms
Appointment Generic Zoloft are generally not accompanied by a breach of psychomotor functions. However, its use in conjunction with other drugs may lead to a breach of attention and coordination of movements. Therefore, during treatment Generic Zoloftom operate motor vehicles, special equipment or engage in activities associated with increased risk, not recommended.
Severe symptoms of overdose with Generic Zoloft not detected even when using the drug at high doses. However, while the introduction of other drugs or alcohol can be severe poisoning.
Symptoms: serotoninovogo manifestations of the syndrome: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, tachycardia, agitation, dizziness, psychomotor agitation, diarrhea, increased perspiration, and mioklonus giperrefleksiya.
Treatment: No specific antidotes. Requires intensive maintenance therapy, and constant monitoring of vital functions of the organism. Induce vomiting is not recommended. Introduction of activated charcoal may be more effective than gastric lavage. It is necessary to maintain adequate airway. Do Generic Zoloft large volume of distribution, thus enhancing diuresis, a dialysis gemoperfuzii or blood transfusions may be inconclusive.
Drug interactions
In a joint application Generic Zoloft and pimozida been an increase in levels of pimozida when his single assignment to a low dose (2 mg). Increased levels of pimozida did not involve any changes in the ECG. Since the mechanism of this interaction is not known, but pimozid is a narrow therapeutic index, simultaneous reception pimozida and Generic Zoloft contraindicated.
There are severe complications, while the application Generic Zoloft and MAO inhibitors including selective effect (selegiline) and reversible type of action (moklobemid). Perhaps the development serotoninovogo syndrome: hyperthermia, rigidity, mioklonus, autonomic nervous system lability (rapid fluctuations in the parameters of respiratory and cardiovascular system), changes in mental status, including increased irritability, expressed excitement, confusion, which in some cases may go to state delirioznoe or to whom.
In a joint appointment with warfarin Generic Zoloftom noted a slight but statistically significant increase in prothrombin time - in these cases it is recommended to monitor the prothrombin time at the beginning of treatment Generic Zoloftom and after its repeal.
Pharmacokinetic interaction
Generic Zoloft binds to proteins of blood plasma. It is therefore necessary to take into account the possibility of its interaction with other drugs, have been linked to proteins (eg, diazepam and tolbutamidom).
The simultaneous use of tsimetidinom significantly reduces the clearance Generic Zoloft.
Prolonged treatment Generic Zoloftom dose of 50 mg / day increases the plasma concentration of both drugs in the metabolism which is involved isoenzyme CYP2D6 (tricyclic antidepressants, drugs antiaritmicheskie Class IC - propafenon, flekainid).
Experiments to study the interaction in vitro showed that the ongoing isoenzyme CYP3A3 / 4 betagidroksilirovanie endogenous cortisol, as well as the metabolism of carbamazepine and terfenadina with long-term appointment Generic Zoloft at a dose of 200 mg / day did not change.
The concentration in blood plasma tolbutamida, phenytoin and warfarin in the long-term appointment Generic Zoloft in the same dose also does not change. Thus, one can conclude that Generic Zoloft not inhibits isoenzyme CYP2S9.
However, while receiving Generic Zoloft reduces clearance tolbutamida - requires monitoring of blood glucose.
Generic Zoloft does not affect the concentration of diazepam in serum, suggesting a lack of inhibition of isoenzyme CYP2C19. According to the studies in vitro Generic Zoloft practically did not affect or minimally inhibits isoenzyme CYP1A2.
Pharmacokinetics of lithium does not change with the concomitant introduction Generic Zoloft. However, tremor occurs more often in their joint application. The joint application Generic Zoloft with drugs that affect the serotoninergicheskuyu transfer (eg, lithium), requires increased caution.
When replacing a single inhibitor of neuronal serotonin capture on the other there is no need for a "period of Money." But be careful if you want to change the course of treatment. Avoid joint appointment with tryptophan or fenfluramina Generic Zoloftom.
Generic Zoloft causes minimal induction of liver enzymes. Simultaneous Generic Zoloft appointment at a dose of 200 mg antipyrine and leads to a small (5%), but also significantly reduce antipyrine half.
When coupled with the introduction Generic Zoloft does not alter beta-adrenoblokiruyuschee action atenolol.
When you enter Generic Zoloft in a daily dose of 200 mg drug interactions with glibenklamidom and digoxin have been identified.
Prolonged use of Generic Zoloft at a dose of 200 mg / day does not have a clinically significant effect and did not suppress the metabolism of phenytoin. Despite this, it is recommended to closely monitor the level of phenytoin in the blood plasma of the designation Generic Zoloft and adjusted doses of phenytoin.
There are very few cases of weakness, enhanced tendon reflexes, confusion, anxiety and initiation in patients concurrently taking Generic Zoloft and sumatriptan. Recommended surveillance for patients who have appropriate clinical reason for the simultaneous reception and Generic Zoloft sumatriptana.
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