Antidepressants. The effectiveness of treatment with antidepressants. The symptoms and manifestations of depression. Treatment of anxiety disorder - phobias, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and actions.
It is now widely used by several dozen major antidepressants. At the same time between the drugs there are many differences in the effectiveness of exposure, adverse reactions, and many other indicators.
One of the main indications for the appointment of antidepressants - depression. The effectiveness of antidepressants in addressing the symptoms of depression was established half a century ago. Later it was found that antidepressants are effective in treating not only depressive manifestations but also in the prevention of recurrent attacks of depression.
Selecting the most appropriate drug, identification of optimal dose and the determination of the necessary duration of treatment depends on the characteristics of depression for each individual patient - the main reason for its occurrence, clinical manifestations of depression, duration of illness, presence of concomitant therapy of disease. The effect of antidepressants with depression never develops immediately. Although the improvement of individual manifestations of the depressed state may occur in the first days of treatment, the full therapeutic effect is achieved no earlier than 4-6 weeks of therapy. Even with the full elimination of all symptoms of depression should continue to receive antidepressant for at least 6 months. This helps reinforce the effect of treatment and prevent the deterioration of the future.
Depression - is not the only disease which was discovered the effectiveness of antidepressants. They are successfully used in the treatment of anxiety disorder, the main manifestations of which are phobias, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and actions of the state of constant tension and high anxiety. The use of antidepressants in combination with psychotherapy - the most effective method of treating anxiety disorder. The effectiveness of various antidepressants with anxiety disorder varies. As with depression, for the effectiveness of therapy requires careful monitoring of the process of treatment to choose the right dose and to determine the optimal duration of therapy.
We prove the effectiveness of antidepressants in the treatment of diseases and characterized by the emergence of a variety of pain and unpleasant sensations in the body, variations in blood pressure, heart beat, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, have heat or chill, and other violations of bodily functions, as well as changing the overall physical well-being with a sense of weakness broken, increased fatigue. With careful examination did not reveal the pathology, the causes of these symptoms - psychological. When treating these patients, medical therapy is always done in conjunction with psychotherapy.
Antidepressants are also used in complex therapy and other mental disorders - schizophrenia, organic brain disease, old age dementia, pathological reactions to stress factors, alcohol and drug abuse.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
How to cope with depression?
Quiet solitude. How to cope with depression? Inferiority complex, and vague malaise.
Modern man, especially living in the megalopolis, idols of their careers, success, life table, where each step of each working day, a visit to the doctor, trips to the gym, calls and meetings with friends and relatives and all other components of our lives literally painted on the minutes.
We learned a short talk on mobile phones: only the most important, only the basic "on the case, in fact." Even our holidays are often planned zagodya and it, too, there is the schedule. We nesemsya in frenzied pace, winning the right to rest and happiness, sometimes losing their sense of himself, depriving himself of pleasure just to live. At one point, "the joy of life" becomes the prize, which can be obtained only at the cost of immense effort and sustained determination.
We are going to deny yourself of all, download a prohibitive, not to have fear. The success of our career is growing rapidly, the outer often affect the magnitude of the achievement, but we are all stronger gryzet an inferiority complex, and vague malaise. But perhaps somewhere in the program has failed? And the key to the joy of the most immediate - is it getting? In our everyday life language the word "hedonism" and "fun" has almost become abusive. In the meantime, the old (which was probably wiser than us) were able to enjoy life and appreciate its pleasures.
Also, is not accidental tendency of people in difficulty and stress to find a means to break and escape. But it is important that the minutes of pleasure were not overloaded with unrealistic expectations or provoke a feeling of despair, as they degrade it, causing a decrease in feelings of guilt and self-esteem, and is simply subjecting the body of excessive unexpected though pleasant load (because the month of fasting can not, then time to eat a whole cake). Therefore, it is necessary dose of fun, practice regularly, do they rule your life, rather than try to squeeze in painted on the clock one week "holiday."
And to make the first step the simplest approach, and even free things:
Find a park bench, sit down and watch life.
Lying in a hammock, contemplate the starry sky.
Awash in the ocean.
Go where the eye face.
In complete silence, read a book.
Take a nap in the sun.
Take a bath with candles.
Sleep, sleep and sleep until exhaustion.
Watch the French film director.
Pomassirovat feet.
Deal with love in the rain.
Dance dirty dancing.
Sit in silence.
Unrestrainedly laugh.
Modern man, especially living in the megalopolis, idols of their careers, success, life table, where each step of each working day, a visit to the doctor, trips to the gym, calls and meetings with friends and relatives and all other components of our lives literally painted on the minutes.
We learned a short talk on mobile phones: only the most important, only the basic "on the case, in fact." Even our holidays are often planned zagodya and it, too, there is the schedule. We nesemsya in frenzied pace, winning the right to rest and happiness, sometimes losing their sense of himself, depriving himself of pleasure just to live. At one point, "the joy of life" becomes the prize, which can be obtained only at the cost of immense effort and sustained determination.
We are going to deny yourself of all, download a prohibitive, not to have fear. The success of our career is growing rapidly, the outer often affect the magnitude of the achievement, but we are all stronger gryzet an inferiority complex, and vague malaise. But perhaps somewhere in the program has failed? And the key to the joy of the most immediate - is it getting? In our everyday life language the word "hedonism" and "fun" has almost become abusive. In the meantime, the old (which was probably wiser than us) were able to enjoy life and appreciate its pleasures.
Also, is not accidental tendency of people in difficulty and stress to find a means to break and escape. But it is important that the minutes of pleasure were not overloaded with unrealistic expectations or provoke a feeling of despair, as they degrade it, causing a decrease in feelings of guilt and self-esteem, and is simply subjecting the body of excessive unexpected though pleasant load (because the month of fasting can not, then time to eat a whole cake). Therefore, it is necessary dose of fun, practice regularly, do they rule your life, rather than try to squeeze in painted on the clock one week "holiday."
And to make the first step the simplest approach, and even free things:
Find a park bench, sit down and watch life.
Lying in a hammock, contemplate the starry sky.
Awash in the ocean.
Go where the eye face.
In complete silence, read a book.
Take a nap in the sun.
Take a bath with candles.
Sleep, sleep and sleep until exhaustion.
Watch the French film director.
Pomassirovat feet.
Deal with love in the rain.
Dance dirty dancing.
Sit in silence.
Unrestrainedly laugh.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Prevention of depression
Preventing re-depression. ffektivnost antidepressants with depression. Depressive manifestations. New and old antidepressants.
Depression - a disease which can be repeated. The risk of depression following the re moved first depressive episode is 50-70%. It is therefore an important prerequisite for effective treatment of depression is the prevention of repeated attacks. One of the most effective methods of prevention of depression - a long appointment antidepressants.
Antidepressants - drugs designed to treat depression. Efficiency of antidepressant drugs, with depression associated with the normalization of the exchange in the brain of two biologically active substances - serotonin and norepinephrine. These substances are the regulators of mood and their exchange is broken when depressions. The first antidepressants were developed back in the 50-60-ies of XX century. This group of antidepressants includes such well-known drugs like amitriptyline, melipramin, anafranil, and is termed "tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs have proved highly effective in addressing the manifestations of depression. However, their prolonged use is limited to high risk of side effects, which include sleepiness during the day, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, muscle weakness, dry mouth, constipation, memory impairment and attention, etc. In addition, with long-term use of these antidepressants may impair the function of heart, which is especially dangerous in people with cardiovascular disease and the elderly.
New antidepressants, developed and implemented in practice for the past 20 years, have a number of advantages compared with tricyclic drugs. The number of new antidepressants is constantly growing and now amounts to several dozens. Most other applicable Paksi, zoloft, fevarin, tsipraleks, remeron, lerivon, auroriks, koaksil, iksel, simbalta. An important advantage is the portability of the best. New antidepressants do not cause daytime sleepiness, did not affect blood pressure and heart function. Therefore, they are safe in the long-term use.
Choosing the most effective and safe antidepressant for each individual patient - no easy task and can take only a doctor. Prolonged use of these drugs should be under constant medical supervision. The most important condition for the effectiveness of preventive therapy is the correct selection of dosage, careful adherence to the regime taking over quite a long time, compatibility with other antidepressant drugs, used by the patient.
Cancel antidepressive therapy in achieving strong improvement in the status of a progressively. The duration of prophylactic therapy is at least 1-5 years depending on the characteristics of affective illness.
Depression - a disease which can be repeated. The risk of depression following the re moved first depressive episode is 50-70%. It is therefore an important prerequisite for effective treatment of depression is the prevention of repeated attacks. One of the most effective methods of prevention of depression - a long appointment antidepressants.
Antidepressants - drugs designed to treat depression. Efficiency of antidepressant drugs, with depression associated with the normalization of the exchange in the brain of two biologically active substances - serotonin and norepinephrine. These substances are the regulators of mood and their exchange is broken when depressions. The first antidepressants were developed back in the 50-60-ies of XX century. This group of antidepressants includes such well-known drugs like amitriptyline, melipramin, anafranil, and is termed "tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs have proved highly effective in addressing the manifestations of depression. However, their prolonged use is limited to high risk of side effects, which include sleepiness during the day, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, muscle weakness, dry mouth, constipation, memory impairment and attention, etc. In addition, with long-term use of these antidepressants may impair the function of heart, which is especially dangerous in people with cardiovascular disease and the elderly.
New antidepressants, developed and implemented in practice for the past 20 years, have a number of advantages compared with tricyclic drugs. The number of new antidepressants is constantly growing and now amounts to several dozens. Most other applicable Paksi, zoloft, fevarin, tsipraleks, remeron, lerivon, auroriks, koaksil, iksel, simbalta. An important advantage is the portability of the best. New antidepressants do not cause daytime sleepiness, did not affect blood pressure and heart function. Therefore, they are safe in the long-term use.
Choosing the most effective and safe antidepressant for each individual patient - no easy task and can take only a doctor. Prolonged use of these drugs should be under constant medical supervision. The most important condition for the effectiveness of preventive therapy is the correct selection of dosage, careful adherence to the regime taking over quite a long time, compatibility with other antidepressant drugs, used by the patient.
Cancel antidepressive therapy in achieving strong improvement in the status of a progressively. The duration of prophylactic therapy is at least 1-5 years depending on the characteristics of affective illness.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Prevalence of depression
Depression and the prevalence of mental illness. The emergence and development of depression. Depressive syndromes.
The risk of falling ill from depression every single person over a lifetime is about 20%. According to researchers, this is due to urban growth and the multitude of stressors events awaiting modern man is literally at every turn, migration and other social trends of our society.
It must be stressed that the emergence and development of depression involves a number of adverse effects of both medical and social order.
Depression, like any other mental illness at risk of suicide - one of the most tragic outcomes, leading to premature death 15% of patients suffering from depression. Depression greatly affects the quality of life and human adaptive capacity, thereby violating the usual way of life. Reduced working capacity, which can lead to loss of work, it forced a change and lastly, to the total disability.
The incidence of depressive syndrome in general medicine (studied in patients attending clinics) is 22-33% and exceeds the frequency of common diseases such as hypertension. Coming one day, burdening of depression, exacerbated over, worsens prognosis bodily infirmity and complicates treatment. On the other hand somatic illness, such as hypothyroidism, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, etc. may cause depression. Finally, the defeat of the internal organs (cancer, myocardial infarction) may be the psychological trauma resulting in feelings of depression.
Timely diagnosis of depressive disorders in many cases becomes a crucial prerequisite for successful medical treatment, and mental disturbances undue, underestimated, even when depressive symptoms may be interpreted as psychologically understandable. In such a "trap" the doctor can get, for example, when depression is considered as a "life situation". This is especially true when examining elderly people who have depressive disorders could be interpreted as a sign of "natural" tired of life, or for young people with the separation, change, care of a spouse, loss of a loved one, etc. when depression is viewed as "adequate" response to life's turmoil. In any of these cases you need advice and assistance to professionals working with depressed state.
The risk of falling ill from depression every single person over a lifetime is about 20%. According to researchers, this is due to urban growth and the multitude of stressors events awaiting modern man is literally at every turn, migration and other social trends of our society.
It must be stressed that the emergence and development of depression involves a number of adverse effects of both medical and social order.
Depression, like any other mental illness at risk of suicide - one of the most tragic outcomes, leading to premature death 15% of patients suffering from depression. Depression greatly affects the quality of life and human adaptive capacity, thereby violating the usual way of life. Reduced working capacity, which can lead to loss of work, it forced a change and lastly, to the total disability.
The incidence of depressive syndrome in general medicine (studied in patients attending clinics) is 22-33% and exceeds the frequency of common diseases such as hypertension. Coming one day, burdening of depression, exacerbated over, worsens prognosis bodily infirmity and complicates treatment. On the other hand somatic illness, such as hypothyroidism, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, etc. may cause depression. Finally, the defeat of the internal organs (cancer, myocardial infarction) may be the psychological trauma resulting in feelings of depression.
Timely diagnosis of depressive disorders in many cases becomes a crucial prerequisite for successful medical treatment, and mental disturbances undue, underestimated, even when depressive symptoms may be interpreted as psychologically understandable. In such a "trap" the doctor can get, for example, when depression is considered as a "life situation". This is especially true when examining elderly people who have depressive disorders could be interpreted as a sign of "natural" tired of life, or for young people with the separation, change, care of a spouse, loss of a loved one, etc. when depression is viewed as "adequate" response to life's turmoil. In any of these cases you need advice and assistance to professionals working with depressed state.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression. Symptoms and treatments of seasonal (recurrent) depression.
Seasonal depression - the option of repeated (recurrent) depression. To include seasonal depression that developed during the autumn-winter season with some regularity - every year for at least 3 years.
Seasonal depression can manifest the same symptoms as depression, are not associated with specific seasons: low mood with a sense of longing or anxiety, a decline of interest in the environment, apathy, a sense of grim, hopelessness. Often these symptoms more pronounced in the first half of the day, while in the evening condition was improving.
More specific to seasonal depression are other symptoms. Patients suffering from seasonal depression, along with low mood, feelings of anxiety and a decrease in activity, experiencing sleepiness during the day and increasing appetite. During the Depression, they consume more foods rich in carbohydrates, added weight. Typically, decreasing the overall tone, there is a weakness, a variety of unpleasant sensations in the body.
Asthenic symptoms of seasonal depression following: feeling weak, weak, broken, general physical ailments. There are a variety of pain and unpleasant sensations in the body, reduces mental performance, deteriorating memory and attention. Characteristically, the severity of these symptoms almost do not depend on external pressure and are often more pronounced in the morning hours after awakening.
In the development of seasonal depression primary metabolic role of serotonin - biologically active substance to regulate mood. Experimental studies have shown that winter in the brain serotonin content is lower than in summer. An important regulator of the exchange of serotonin is melatonin - the active ingredient, the formulation of which depends on the amount of light.
The classic method for the treatment of seasonal depression is light. In addition, we prove the high efficacy of antidepressants with a specific effect on the exchange of serotonin in the brain. Prolonged use of these products allows us not only to cure the depression had already developed, but also to prevent their development in the future. As with other depressions, an important element of effective treatment is psychotherapy.
Seasonal depression - the option of repeated (recurrent) depression. To include seasonal depression that developed during the autumn-winter season with some regularity - every year for at least 3 years.
Seasonal depression can manifest the same symptoms as depression, are not associated with specific seasons: low mood with a sense of longing or anxiety, a decline of interest in the environment, apathy, a sense of grim, hopelessness. Often these symptoms more pronounced in the first half of the day, while in the evening condition was improving.
More specific to seasonal depression are other symptoms. Patients suffering from seasonal depression, along with low mood, feelings of anxiety and a decrease in activity, experiencing sleepiness during the day and increasing appetite. During the Depression, they consume more foods rich in carbohydrates, added weight. Typically, decreasing the overall tone, there is a weakness, a variety of unpleasant sensations in the body.
Asthenic symptoms of seasonal depression following: feeling weak, weak, broken, general physical ailments. There are a variety of pain and unpleasant sensations in the body, reduces mental performance, deteriorating memory and attention. Characteristically, the severity of these symptoms almost do not depend on external pressure and are often more pronounced in the morning hours after awakening.
In the development of seasonal depression primary metabolic role of serotonin - biologically active substance to regulate mood. Experimental studies have shown that winter in the brain serotonin content is lower than in summer. An important regulator of the exchange of serotonin is melatonin - the active ingredient, the formulation of which depends on the amount of light.
The classic method for the treatment of seasonal depression is light. In addition, we prove the high efficacy of antidepressants with a specific effect on the exchange of serotonin in the brain. Prolonged use of these products allows us not only to cure the depression had already developed, but also to prevent their development in the future. As with other depressions, an important element of effective treatment is psychotherapy.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Depression in old age
Depression in old age. The reasons for the emergence of depression in old age.
Depression in old age occur very often. It was found that depression affects 15-20% of people older than 60 years, and in patients with severe disease therapy, this figure reaches 40-60%. Not all depressed patients are senile age receive adequate therapy. Depression in old age is not always easily recognizable. Reduced background mood, pessimism, disbelief in the future, fear of near death, anxiety, decrease in activity and loss of former interests, complaints of impotence, a variety of pain, poor appetite, disturbed sleep, patients themselves, their relatives, and sometimes the doctors viewed as the natural manifestations of aging with its concomitant limitation of physical and social opportunities. Frequent manifestation of depression in old age is changing the nature and behavior of patients. They become irritable, captious, selfish, focused on their illness. These changes in mood and behavior-being of older people indicate the presence of serious illness - depression.
The causes of depression in old age is varied. Depression in old age may develop as a reaction to severe life events - the loss of loved ones, loneliness, changes in lifestyle due to retirement, the emergence of therapeutic conditions. Depression in old age may be the result of hereditary predisposition to the occurrence. Age-related changes in the body and external circumstances psihotravmiruyuschie support the identification of the hereditary predisposition, even if during the life of any manifestations of depression were observed. Finally, depression in old age may be one of the first manifestations of organic brain disease associated with vascular lesion of the brain or the development of senile dementia. More rarely, the development of depression in old age is associated with certain diseases, such as endocrine, or use of certain drugs.
Manifestations of depression in old age has its own characteristics in each case, and an accurate diagnosis could only doctor. Currently, there are a large number of effective drugs, as well as non-methods for the treatment of depression in old age.
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