Preventing re-depression. ffektivnost antidepressants with depression. Depressive manifestations. New and old antidepressants.
Depression - a disease which can be repeated. The risk of depression following the re moved first depressive episode is 50-70%. It is therefore an important prerequisite for effective treatment of depression is the prevention of repeated attacks. One of the most effective methods of prevention of depression - a long appointment antidepressants.
Antidepressants - drugs designed to treat depression. Efficiency of antidepressant drugs, with depression associated with the normalization of the exchange in the brain of two biologically active substances - serotonin and norepinephrine. These substances are the regulators of mood and their exchange is broken when depressions. The first antidepressants were developed back in the 50-60-ies of XX century. This group of antidepressants includes such well-known drugs like amitriptyline, melipramin, anafranil, and is termed "tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs have proved highly effective in addressing the manifestations of depression. However, their prolonged use is limited to high risk of side effects, which include sleepiness during the day, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, muscle weakness, dry mouth, constipation, memory impairment and attention, etc. In addition, with long-term use of these antidepressants may impair the function of heart, which is especially dangerous in people with cardiovascular disease and the elderly.
New antidepressants, developed and implemented in practice for the past 20 years, have a number of advantages compared with tricyclic drugs. The number of new antidepressants is constantly growing and now amounts to several dozens. Most other applicable Paksi, zoloft, fevarin, tsipraleks, remeron, lerivon, auroriks, koaksil, iksel, simbalta. An important advantage is the portability of the best. New antidepressants do not cause daytime sleepiness, did not affect blood pressure and heart function. Therefore, they are safe in the long-term use.
Choosing the most effective and safe antidepressant for each individual patient - no easy task and can take only a doctor. Prolonged use of these drugs should be under constant medical supervision. The most important condition for the effectiveness of preventive therapy is the correct selection of dosage, careful adherence to the regime taking over quite a long time, compatibility with other antidepressant drugs, used by the patient.
Cancel antidepressive therapy in achieving strong improvement in the status of a progressively. The duration of prophylactic therapy is at least 1-5 years depending on the characteristics of affective illness.