Depression and the prevalence of mental illness. The emergence and development of depression. Depressive syndromes.
The risk of falling ill from depression every single person over a lifetime is about 20%. According to researchers, this is due to urban growth and the multitude of stressors events awaiting modern man is literally at every turn, migration and other social trends of our society.
It must be stressed that the emergence and development of depression involves a number of adverse effects of both medical and social order.
Depression, like any other mental illness at risk of suicide - one of the most tragic outcomes, leading to premature death 15% of patients suffering from depression. Depression greatly affects the quality of life and human adaptive capacity, thereby violating the usual way of life. Reduced working capacity, which can lead to loss of work, it forced a change and lastly, to the total disability.
The incidence of depressive syndrome in general medicine (studied in patients attending clinics) is 22-33% and exceeds the frequency of common diseases such as hypertension. Coming one day, burdening of depression, exacerbated over, worsens prognosis bodily infirmity and complicates treatment. On the other hand somatic illness, such as hypothyroidism, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, etc. may cause depression. Finally, the defeat of the internal organs (cancer, myocardial infarction) may be the psychological trauma resulting in feelings of depression.
Timely diagnosis of depressive disorders in many cases becomes a crucial prerequisite for successful medical treatment, and mental disturbances undue, underestimated, even when depressive symptoms may be interpreted as psychologically understandable. In such a "trap" the doctor can get, for example, when depression is considered as a "life situation". This is especially true when examining elderly people who have depressive disorders could be interpreted as a sign of "natural" tired of life, or for young people with the separation, change, care of a spouse, loss of a loved one, etc. when depression is viewed as "adequate" response to life's turmoil. In any of these cases you need advice and assistance to professionals working with depressed state.