Sunday, July 26, 2009

Depression in women

Depression in women. The symptoms of depressive illness. The frequency of manifestations of depression.
"Female character or predisposition to a particular disease?
Depression is called a painful condition that is manifested typical symptoms.

Depression is in no way an expression of weakness. This is a serious disease that is accompanied by violations of all mental and even physical (sleep, appetite, body weight, etc.) functions of man. Loss or reduction of strong-willed qualities - one of the symptoms of depressive illness. Therefore, should not advise a person with depression, "get yourself in the hands" - he will not be able to overcome the disease without medical help. Depression significantly affects the efficiency, education, social life, relationships with others, including loved ones.
Is there a relationship of depression to the female sex?
Doctors are well aware that women suffer from depression more often than men. This is reliably confirmed by the results of numerous large epidemiological studies in different countries, including in Russia. The frequency of depression in women is 2-3 times higher than among men. In modern medicine female gender of the factors predisposing to the development of depression.
Why is women's predisposition to depression?
Depression is largely associated with changes in hormonal background, which occur in the female body in child-bearing age. The so-called reproductive (genital) cycle takes place a number of stages, beginning with the appearance of menses and ending their disappearance: menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and pre menopause. At each of these stages in the composition and amount of hormones significant changes, which are accompanied by changes in physiological functions of the female body, including the mental sphere. Therefore, these hormonal changes in the background associated with increased risk for depression.
As evident depression in women?
As already mentioned, the risk of depression increases in each of the phases of the reproductive cycle. In clinical medicine provided different options (syndromes) of depression, specific to each of the phases of the reproductive cycle - premenstrual syndrome, depressive syndrome pregnant, the syndrome "sadness mothers, postnatal depression and depression in pre and menopause.

Manifestations of depression may be different. Depressed mood may be manifested as oppression, suppression and apathy, as well as increased irritability, maudlin, anxiety, a sense of internal tension. The change of mood is usually accompanied by a decrease in activity, a sense of loss of energy, increased fatigue, distraction of attention. Depression in women is often accompanied by a variety of somatic disorders: the changes of sleep (insomnia or increased sleepiness), appetite (decreased appetite or increase). May appear unpleasant feelings of stress and a sense of pain in the mammary glands, headaches, pain in joints and muscles, heart pain and occasional feelings of heart, weak in body, fluctuations in blood pressure, etc.

Duration of depression associated with the reproductive cycle may be different. Premenstrual depressive syndrome are usually short, approximately 2 weeks (1 week before and 1 week after the menstrual period), but has a recurrent character with the corresponding monthly menstrual cycle aggravation. Post-natal depression and depression menopause may be more prolonged and continue for several weeks and even months.
How can you treat depression?
Depression - curable diseases. With the correct selection of the appropriate drug and dose may complete freedom from symptoms of depression.

Treatment of depression is carried out only with the help of special medicines, which are called antidepressants.

Treatment of depression should target only the doctor. We should remember that every person has depression, especially as related to the degree of severity of illness, and with its clinical manifestations. The correct choice of treatment in each case requires an assessment of the many features of the patient. Correctly identify, evaluate and classify such features can only be a doctor. Do not resort to the advice of relatives or friends or choose a means of self-treatment, based on the fact that a drug has helped someone who you know.

This rule must be observed, especially if the change of mood is accompanied by marked changes in the overall state of health, human bodily functions and pain, the most characteristic of depression associated with reproductive cycle. In such cases, only a doctor can properly assess the nature of the symptoms, to determine the actual state of internal organs and select drugs that will not only effective but also safe. Strongly advised to take antidepressants during pregnancy and lactation.

To date, there are many antidepressants. All current drugs of this class are effective and safe means. However, each drug has its own distinctive features associated with therapeutic effects, and ways of receiving, dispensing.

Treatment of depression takes time. Do not wait for the full treatment in the first days of taking the medication. It must be remembered that all modern antidepressants for depression begin no earlier than 1 -2 weeks after starting treatment. During this period also being the selection of the required dosage.

Cancel antidepressant, as well as his appointment should only be a doctor. Even after the complete disappearance of all symptoms of depression should continue to receive antidepressant for a period of time. This is because the risk of worsening of depression in the case of premature lifting of therapy is very high - up to 60-80%. Moreover, worsening of depression associated with premature discontinuation of treatment is usually more difficult to care. The duration of such an additional period of treatment, the purpose of which - the prevention of escalation, determines only a doctor by individual characteristics of each patient.

Keep in mind that if you decide to stop treatment before the deadline, which has identified the physician must be sure to consult with him.