Saturday, July 11, 2009

Treatment of depression

The treatment of depression. Definition and typical symptoms of depression. Test and scale to detect depression.
Definition of depression
Depression - an illness that can bring people out of emotional balance for a long time, and significantly impair quality of life (activity, personal relationships, leisure, etc.).

Depression can occur as a response to previous trauma or adverse event (death of a loved one, dismissal from work, etc.), but it often develops without apparent cause.

It is important to know that:

Depression is well to treatment, resulting in full recovery occurs.
Talking about your problem - then do the first step toward recovery from depression.

Typical symptoms of depression:

Tosca, sadness, anxiety or irritability.
Difficulty falling asleep, repeated awakening at night or awakening too early.
Loss of interest in work, eating, sex life.
The sense of guilt and his own inferiority, hopelessness about the future.
Difficulty concentrating and constant tiredness.
Loss of weight or, conversely, an increase in weight.
Headaches, pain in the heart, the back (without organic causes).
Excessive concern about their health.
Thoughts about suicide and death.

Men's Depression
Depression in men often is detected with difficulty. This is because, on the one hand, the widespread erroneous perception that telling others about their problems and do not know how to handle himself with them - a sign of human weakness, but on the other hand, the fact that men often hide their depression of aggressive behavior and / or for alcohol abuse.

Alcohol - is not the only means available to try to alleviate depression or disguise it. Care to head to work, an active sport or hobby of such species that are associated with the risk or extreme events, as well as gambling - all this may be indicative of depression in men.

Typical symptoms of depression in men:

Reducing the resistance to stress.
Soyavlenie uncertainty in decision-making.
Aggressive and hostile behavior.
Alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence.
Syndrome «peregoraniya».
Manifestation of impetuous behavior.
A passion for extreme sports, intentional excessive physical activity.
Thoughts about suicide and death.